Sunday 19 October 2014

Incoming Books #3

Doing these posts has made me realise how many books come into the house, whoops! Definitely a book addict.

Two bought online secondhand:

  • An Autobiography by Agatha Christie. Having read Laura Thompson's excellent biography I thought it was time to read the lady in her own words. Think this might be a good Christmas read actually. Ties in nicely with my project to read all her books as well.
  • The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller. Last weekend I had really wanted to watch the film but it isn't on Nextflix. Somehow this lead to me ordering the book...

Three from Waterstones:

Thursday was not a good day, I decide to console myself with books instead of cake! I had a £10 Waterstones voucher though so this all came to £9.98 which isn't bad.

  • Landline by Rainbow Rowell. I have loved all of Rainbow's books so far and I'm far too impatient to wait for this in paperback.
  • Under A Mackeral Sky by Rick Stein. Haven't read a memoir in ages and I've seen several good write ups of this in newspapers.
  • Spare Brides by Adele Parks. Really not my "normal" type but picked this up several times because it looks undemanding. Decided this time I'd actually buy it. 

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