Thursday 2 October 2014

Hello There!

To be honest, I don't imagine many/any people to read this, most especially because I don't have the energy to promote it widely. But it's for me, and that's more than good enough.

What will this blog be about? Well books mostly, but also things linked (and not so linked): bookcrossing, phonebox libraries. book club ...

Also as this post goes up I am only a tiny bit shy of 4 months to my 30th Birthday. And I'm deciding if I want to set any 'challenges' - more a list of things I want to achieve/see/do before age 31 rolls around. I definitely want to do a series of 'Weekend Wanderings' posts as part of a determination to get out *every* weekend even if it's just for a short walk down the canal.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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